Senior Advisor Dr. Carrie Henderson presented at the 2024 Achieving the Dream Conference in Orlando, Florida. Carrie discussed strategies to strengthen transfer toward the baccalaureate degree with colleagues from New America and Miami Dade College.

Highlights From The Presentation

Even the best community college transfer policies need revisiting.

At the state level, policies can shape the environment for transfer. However, their impact may not always align with the intended outcomes. With an eye toward continuous improvement, policymakers and practitioners must actively work to bridge the gap between policy formulation and implementation.

“Transfer policies – even good ones – shouldn’t sit on a shelf. Regularly assessing their impact and making adjustments as needed are crucial for promoting student success.”

2+2 articulation agreements establish a general guarantee. Depending on how the agreement was written, it may be too broad and also difficult to enforce.

Common course numbers work to the extent the receiving institution not only accepts transfer credit, but also recognizes it as counting toward degree requirements.

Common prerequisites for baccalaureate admission can only be effective when: (1) they are known about, and (2) they are, in fact, common.

Block transfer of general education ensures students receive credit for comparable coursework without having to repeat courses in the same subject.

Common transcript services should make it easy for institutions to exchange records and cut down on manual data entry.


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